Please note

Change management and new strategy carries risks, including loss of existing market share. However it also offers new opportunities and ultimately is the only business model principle which can sustain time. Please read our risk warning before engaging.

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How do we price projects?

There is no long-term contract or fixed scope of work. Instead we offer Sustainability as a Service. This means we work on a monthly retainer, with only a 30 day notice period. For this we deliver expert advice and guidance on agile work packages for your team to Plan, Learn & Implement.

What size of company do we work with?

We have a proprietary approach for working with:

Start-ups wanting to lay the ground work for ESG-led metrics and creating impact.
Mid-size companies wanting to establish their carbon footprint and then minimize it.
Larger companies wanting to introduce innovation hubs into their processes in order to become more sustainable.

Who are we?

We are a community of expert professionals from all sectors, with international business experience and a passion for changing the way business is structured and operates, for the better.

What is ESG?

Environmental factors relate to the company’s policies on, and interactions with, issues that affect the natural environment. This includes replacing polluting industry practices with recycling technologies, addressing climate change through decarbonisation, swapping conventional energy for renewable energy, changing out pesticides or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) with renewable agricultural practices, and better managing the extraction or use of raw materials in a plethora of ways.

Social factors broadly concern the corporation’s interactions with other societal interests. These issues typically include employee and labour relations, human and animal rights, certain forms of workplace diversity, and the procurement of the products or services that the company supplies.

Governance factors typically focus on the corporation’s structure and operation, and can include issues such as employee diversity, gender equality, gender variance acceptance, executive compensation, board member demographic diversity, political spending or lobbying, and management structure and policies.

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