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Change management and new strategy carries risks, including loss of existing market share. However it also offers new opportunities and ultimately is the only business model principle which can sustain time. Please read our risk warning before engaging.

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We become what we invest our efforts in

In order to reach net zero, companies must understand their carbon footprint, design their climate roadmap and implement their climate action plan. We can’t act impactfully if we don’t know where we should spend our time and energy for the best (triple bottom line (ESG) measured) results.

Biodiversity generates investment returns

How does Biodiversity benefit us all? In Europe, a new voluntary market for biodiversity called ‘Forest Certification” with a “plus-sustainability” commercial scheme, has been applied on 5 million hectares as a first target, with ambitious standards beyond mere compliance.  Why should we factor Natural Capital into all our commercial decisions?

Resource scarcity: significant opportunity

The trends driving nature loss, and the social and economic questions linking them, present significant risks and opportunities. This article considers the operational, market, reputational and policy implications of environmental trends on ten business sectors. We pose the question “What can we all do to live within our resource constraints?”

Why is ESG essential to humanity?

ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social, and (Corporate) Governance, the three broad categories of interest of what is termed “Responsible Investment (RI).” But the values encompassed in ESG are so much more than 3 letters. Why should we aim to use ESG as a benchmark for all our choices?